“Love is . . . Being happy for the other person when they are happy, Being sad for the person when they are sad, Being together in good times, And being together in bad times. LOVE IS THE SOURCE OF STRENGTH.

Friday, December 2, 2011


By: Viroth Prak

The systemic response to infection; it encompasses a broad array of clinical manifestations and overlaps with inflammatory reactions to other clinical insults (e.g., severe trauma or burn)
  •Bacteremia: Bacteria in the blood; may have no accompanying symptoms
  •Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS): inflammatory reaction to different clinical insults manifest by two of the following: (1) temperature >38°C or < 36°C, (2) heart rate > 90/min; (3) respiratory rate >20/min or PaCO2 < 32 mm Hg, and (4) WBC count > 12,000/mm3, < 4,000/mm3 or > 10% immature forms (bends)
  •Sepsis: SIRS with documented infection (typically bacterial)
  •Septic shock: Sepsis induced hypotension (systolic BP < 90 mmHg or
³ 40 mmHg drop from baseline) despite adequate fluid resuscitation plus hypoperfusion abnormalities (oliguria, lactic acidosis, acute change in mental status)
  •Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS): altered organ function in an acutely ill patient - requires intervention to maintain homeostasis.

Snake Bite

By: Google

Snake Bite


The brown snake, found in Australia, belongs to the family of Elapidae and contains the following species:
  • Pseudonaja guttata (speckled brown snake, shown in image below)Description: Pseudonaja guttata (speckled brown snake). Pseudonaja guttata (speckled brown snake).
  • Pseudonaja textilis (common brown snake, also known as eastern brown snake, shown in image below)Description: Pseudonaja textilis (eastern brown snake). Pseudonaja textilis (eastern brown snake).
  • Pseudonaja affinis (dugite)
  • Pseudonaja nuchalis (western brown snake, shown in image below)Description: Pseudonaja nuchalis (western brown snake). Pseudonaja nuchalis (western brown snake).
  • Pseudonaja inframacula (peninsula brown snake)
  • Pseudonaja ingrami (Ingram's brown snake)
  • Pseudonaja affinis tanneri (Tanner's brown snake)
  • Pseudonaja modesta (ringed brown snake, shown in image below)Description: Pseudonaja modesta (ringed brown snake). Pseudonaja modesta (ringed brown snake).
Envenomation by P textilis, P nuchalis, P guttata, and P affinis has been documented, but little information is available about the toxic effects of the other species.
All of these snakes occur mainly in inland floodplains with deeply fissured soils. The snakes are active during cooler parts of the day, such as early morning and late afternoon. They exist in 5 different colors, have a highly flexible head, and can squeeze into narrow places. They feed on small animals but also can grip large prey. They may bite humans above the knee by raising their head from the ground and assuming an "S" shape when striking. Unless provoked, they are thought to be reluctant to attack humans.
Most of the literature describing the brown snake consists of case studies of people accidentally bitten and their clinical course. They have less effective dentition than other elapids and may leave little evidence of a puncture wound; however, their venom is readily diffusible and can rapidly enter the circulation.
These snakes are among the most venomous in the world. The common brown snake produces the second most toxic venom known and is the most common cause of snakebite death in Australia. Common to these species' venom are neurotoxins and hemotoxins.

Diarrhea, acute

Diarrhea of abrupt onset in a healthy individual is most often related to an infectious process. A variety of symptoms are often observed, including frequent passage of loose or watery stools, fever, chills, anorexia, vomiting and malaise.
  •Acute viral diarrhea - the most common form, usually occurs for 1-3 days, and is self-limited. It causes changes in the small intestine cell morphology such as villous shortening and an increase in the number of crypt cells.
  •Bacterial diarrhea - may be suspected if there is a history of a similar and simultaneous illness in individuals who have shared contaminated food with the patient. Diarrhea developing within 12 hours of the meal is most likely due to ingestion of a preformed toxin.
  •Protozoal infections - such as Giardia lamblia cause prolonged, watery diarrhea that often afflicts travelers returning from endemic areas where the water supply has been contaminated.
  •Traveler's diarrhea - typically begins three to seven days after arrival in a foreign location and is generally quite acute

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Breast cancer

Breast cancer
Malignant neoplasm in the breast. Breast cancers are classified as noninvasive (in situ) or invasive (infiltrating) with approximately 70% of all breast cancers possessing a component of invasion.


By: Google
Inflammation of the bronchioles, usually seen in young children, occasionally in high-risk adults. May be seasonal (winter and spring) and often occurs in epidemics. Usual course: insidious; acute; progressive.


A disorder of the tracheobronchial tree characterized by mild to severe obstruction to airflow. Symptoms vary, generally episodic or paroxysmal, may be persistent. The clinical hallmark is wheezing, but cough may be the predominant symptom. Commonly misdiagnosed as recurrent pneumonia or chronic bronchitis.
  •Acute symptoms are characterized by narrowing of large and small airways due to spasm of bronchial smooth muscle, edema and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, and production of mucus
  •Occurs in a setting in which asthma is likely and other, rarer conditions have been excluded

Meningitis, bacterial

By: Google.com.kh
Meningitis, bacterial

Inflammation in response to bacterial infection of the pia-arachnoid and its fluid and the fluid of the ventricles. Meningitis is always cerebrospinal.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


               3 -   CMgWrlaksYt     Pneumonia 
-  Definition ³   KWCakar rlaksac;sYt     
-  Pathology :    rlaksac;sYtGacbNþalmkBI    infection   Viral or Bacteria   nigmanemeraK  
                   epSg² eTot dUcCa   Fungi , yeast  , Protozoa  nigmkBIdkdegðImenAxül;esµaK 

                   eRKak    b¤ manCatiBul

កាយវិភាគ សរីរៈវិទ្យានៃប្រព័ន្ធដង្ហើម


           -   esckþIepþIm 
     -   pøúvdegðIm EpñkxagelI          
          -   pøúvdegðIm EpñkxageRkam      
     -   ynþkarénkardkdegðIm  Mechanic of breathing         

     -   karsMrbsMrYlkardkdegðIm  Regulation of respiration     

Nursing Diagnosis

dkRsg;ecjBI NANDA qñaM 2005-2006



Lung diseases are some of the most common medical conditions worldwide. Tens of millions of people suffer from lung disease in the U.S. Smoking, infections, and genetics are responsible for most lung diseases.
The lungs are part of a complex apparatus, expanding and relaxing thousands of times daily to bring in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Lung disease can result from problems in any part of this system.
Lung Diseases Affecting the Airways
The trachea (windpipe) branches into tubes called bronchi, which in turn branch to become progressively smaller tubes throughout the lungs. Diseases that affect the airways include:
  • Asthma: The airways are persistently inflamed, and may occasionally spasm, causing wheezing and shortness of breath. Allergies, infections, or pollution can trigger asthma's symptoms.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Lung conditions defined by an inability to exhale normally, which causes difficulty breathing.
  • Chronic bronchitis: A form of COPD characterized by a chronic productive cough.
  • Emphysema: Lung damage allows air to be trapped in the lungs in this form of COPD. Difficulty blowing air out is its hallmark.
  • Acute bronchitis: A sudden infection of the airways, usually by a virus.
  • Cystic fibrosis: A genetic condition causing poor clearance of mucus from the bronchi. The accumulated mucus results in repeated lung infections.

Lung Diseases Affecting the Air Sacs (Alveoli)
The airways eventually branch into tiny tubes (bronchioles) that dead-end into clusters of air sacs called alveoli. These air sacs make up most of the lung tissue. Lung diseases affecting the alveoli include:
  • Pneumonia: An infection of the alveoli, usually by bacteria.
  • Tuberculosis: A slowly progressive pneumonia caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Emphysema results from damage to the fragile connections between alveoli. Smoking is the usual cause. (Emphysema also limits airflow, affecting the airways as well.)
  • Pulmonary edema: Fluid leaks out of the small blood vessels of the lung into the air sacs and the surrounding area. One form is caused by heart failure and back pressure in the lungs' blood vessels; in another form, direct injury to the lung causes the leak of fluid.
  • Lung cancer has many forms, and may develop in any part of the lungs. Most often this is in the main part of the lung, in or near the air sacs. The type, location, and spread of lung cancer determines the treatment options.
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): Severe, sudden injury to the lungs caused by a serious illness. Life support with mechanical ventilation is usually needed to survive until the lungs recover.
  • Pneumoconiosis: A category of conditions caused by the inhalation of a substance that injures the lungs. Examples include black lung disease from inhaled coal dust and asbestosis from inhaled asbestos dust.

Lung Diseases Affecting the Interstitium
The interstitium is the microscopically thin, delicate lining between the lungs' air sacs (alveoli). Tiny blood vessels run through the interstitium and allow gas exchange between the alveoli and the blood. Various lung diseases affect the interstitium:
                                                         01-N0VEMBER-2012 AT 12.00    COPY BY SRK

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hypertension (ជំងឺលើសឈាម ឬ សំពាធឈាមឡើង)

ជំងឺលើសឈាម ឬ សំពាធឈាមឡើង

  • ការវាស់សំពាធឈាម ត្រូវធ្វើសារចុះឡើងច្រើនដងលើអ្នកជំងឺដេក និងសំរាកស្ងៀម

  • Sយើងនិងធ្វើការ ព្យាបាលជំងឺលើសឈាមណាពិតៗ ហើយជាប់ជាប្រចាំ គឺលើសពី ១៦០/៩០ មមបារ៉ត

ចំពោះមនុស្សចាស់ និងលើសពី ១៤០/៩០មមបារ៉ត ចំពោះស្រ្តីមានគ៌ត

  • Sការព្យាបាលដែលបានចាប់ផ្តើមហើយ ត្រូវអោយមានលទ្ធភាពតាមដាន និងត្រួតពិនិត្យជាទៀងទាត់។

ការព្យាបាលស្រ្តីមិន មានផ្ទៃពោះ
លើសឈាមហៅ (លើសឈាមឯងៗ)

  • Sអោយរបបអាហារសូដ្យូមតិច  ពិនិត្យអ្នកជំងឺជាថ្មី ៨ថ្ងៃ ក្រោយមក

Sបើសំពាធនៅលើស ១៦០/៩០មមបារ៉ត ៖ព្យាបាលដោយប្រើឱសថ
                អ៊ីដ្រូក្លូរ៉ូត្យាហ្ស៊ីដ លេប ៥០មក្រ ក្នុងមួយថ្ងៃ
                រួមប្រើ ប៉ូតាស្យូមបន្ថែមផង (ប៉ូតាស្យូមក្លរួលេប) ឬបើល្អ ណែនាំអោយបរិភោគចេក ជាដើម។

  • Sបើគ្មានធូរស្រាល (៨ថ្ងៃក្រោយ) ប្រើរួមផ្សំ៖

                ម៉េទិដូប៉ាលេប៖ ចាប់ផ្តើមពី ២៥០មក្រ/ថ្ងៃដោយចែកជា២ទៅ៣ដង រួចតំឡើងបន្តិចម្តងៗរហូតដល់ ៧៥០មក្រ
                ទៅ ១៥០០មក្រ/ថ្ងៃចែកជា ៣ដង។
ប្រើអ៊ីដ្រាឡាហ្ស៊ីន លេប ១០០មក្រ /ថ្ងៃ ដោយចែកជា ៣ទៅ៤ដងបើចាំបាច់បង្កើនទៅដល់ ២០០មក្រ/ថ្ងៃ។

  • គេក៏អាចព្យាបាលដោយប្រើ

                ប្រូប្រាណូឡុល លេប ១០មក្រ/ថ្ងៃ តែម្តងបន្ទាប់មកដំឡើងកំរិតទៅដល់ ៤០ទៅ៨០មក្រ/ថ្ងៃចែកជា ២ដង
                យោលតាមលទ្ធផល (ពិនិត្យតាមដានជីពចរ មិនត្រូវតិចជាត ៥០ទៅ៦០ដង/នាទីឡើយ)

  • Sជំងឺលើសឈាម ចូលរួមនៅក្នុងមូលសញ្ញា សរសៃឈាម តំរងនោមកើតមាននៅត្រីមាសទី៣ នៃផ្ទៃពោះ

  • ជំងឺលើសឈាមកើត តែឯង ឬមានរួមផ្សំ ទឹកនោមមានជាតិអាល់ប៊ុយមីន ហើយមានហើម ឬគ្មានហើម។
  • កាលដែលបណ្តាលអោយមានផលវិបាក ដទៃទៀត ឡូកឡំជាមួយ (អេក្លំស៊ី ដុំឈាមកក ចន្លោះសុក និងផ្ទៃស្បូន និង
  • សំរាក របប មានសូដ្យូមធម្មតា
  • ព្យាបាលដោយ ដ្យាហ្សេប៉ាមលេប ១៥មក្រ/ថ្ងៃចែកជា ៣ដង
  • ត្រួតពិនិត្យសំពាធឈាម មួយអាទិត្យក្រោយ៖ បើមិនធូរស្រាលប្រើ

កូនកើតមិនគ្រប់ខែ) ទាមទារអោយត្រួតពិនិត្យមើលសំពាធឈាមខ្ពស់។
ការពិនិត្យតាមដាន និងព្យាបាល
                មេទីលដូប៉ា លេប ៧៥០ទៅ១៥០០មក្រ /ថ្ងៃចែកជា ៣ដង
            អ៊ីដ្រាឡាហ្ស៊ីន លេប ១០០មក្រ/ថ្ងៃ ចែកជា ៣ទៅ៤ដង (បើចាំបាច់អោយរហូតដល់២០០មក្រ/ថ្ងៃបាន)
  • Sការពិនិត្យតាមដានត្រូវតែធ្វើជាទៀតទាត់ (ទំងន់  សំពាធ  កំពស់ស្បូន...)

បើសណ្ឋានធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ (ហើម សំពាធឈាមខ្ពស់ ឈឺក្បាល ចង្អោរ)
ដ្យាហ្សេប៉ាម ចាក់សរសៃ ៤០មក្រ ក្នុង៥០០មល គ្លុយកូស % (អាចចៀសវាងប្រកាច់ និងអាចបន្ថយសំពាធឈាមមក
ការព្យាបាលបែបសម្ភព ការសំរាលកូន និងសំរួលបញ្ហាអស់ទាំងនេះបាន (តាមផ្លូវទ្វារមាស បើអាចធ្វើបាន)
ប្រើអ៊ីដ្យាឡាហ្ស៊ីន (អំពូល ២០មក្រ /មល ១មល) បើលើសឈាម ដាក់អ្នកជំងឺកុំអោយប៉ះពន្លឺប្រើ៤ អំពូល/ចំណុះ២០មក្រ
លាយក្នុង ៥០០មល សេរ៉ូមផ្អែម % រួចបង្ហូរ ៣០ដំណក់ក្នុង១នាទី រហូតមកដល់សំពាធឈាមប្រក្រតីភាពឡើងវិញ។
ត្រួតពិនិត្យ ល្បឿនតំណក់សេរ៉ូម ទៅតាមតួលេខសំពាធឈាម
ដ្យាហ្សេប៉ាម ព្យូរ លាយក្នុងសេរ៉ូម (មើលតារាងខាងលើ)
ព្យាបាលបែបសម្ភព វះយកកូន  ជាយថាហេតុ។